For those of you not familiar with the annual Ginger Bread Bridge Competition (GBBC), Ascent Group sponsors this “smashing” Boulder-Denver event every year as a way for engineers, architects, builders, students and tinkerers-in-general, to get out and have some creative holiday fun. The event began as an in-office holiday get together that added a lot of fun to our holiday office party. It grew from our office to local watering holes and most recently ended up at Lodo’s in Denver for our 2011 competition. Check out the website for video and photos, as well as results.
Our latest bridge was a lot stronger than we thought! Unfortunately, despite very strong arch action, it suffered from a case of what looked like punching shear at the bridge deck! At just over 400 lbs load, the test rig “piston” pushed through the deck. Can’t wait to see what we come up with this year!
Plans are already a foot for revised rules so that more traditional gingerbread bridge entries can have a class of their own and the addition of an open class that may result in some test rig updates for higher load application and measurement. Stay tuned!